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InHaus Solutions

InHaus Contracts


Interior Designers.

Brand Designers.



Our Featured Projects.

The InHaus Group Residential Architects Interior design beverley hull yorkshire isle of man Sollag Road Abbeylands Douglas
The InHaus Group Architects Interior Designers Beverley Hull Yorkshire Aston Wood Golf Club Driving Range Gym

The Abbeylands Estate located on the outskirts of Onchan in the Isle of Man is a refurbishment of a barn and farm complex into 10 new houses ranging from 2 to 5 bedroom.

Aston Wood Golf Club

The InHaus Group were appointed by Colin Crawshaw to design and project manage Aston Wood Golf Academy in Sutton Coldfield.

A s t o n   W o o d

A b b e y l a n d s

Taco Bell

Working alongside the client and Taco Bell, The InHaus Group were responsible for the branding and full design of 8 of the UKs major outlets.

The InHaus Group Architects Interior Designers Beverley Hull Yorkshire Fantasy Island Amusement Park Food Court Gaming Bowling Rides
Fantasy Island

InHaus were brought in to be a part of a complete regeneration of amusement park Fantasy Island, in Skegness. The project entailed a redesign of a vintage bar, an Italian restaurant, a café bar, an arcade and a large scale carpet layout to span the whole interior of the park.

The InHaus Group Architects Interior Designers Beverley Hull Yorkshire Taco Bell Fast Food Pendant Light Sheffield Rotherham Leeds Nottingham

T a c o   B e l l

F a n t a s y   I s l a n d

The InHaus Group Architects Interior Designers Beverley Hull Yorkshire Gala Bingo Casino Design Sunderland Metalwork
Gala Casinos & Bingo

The Gala Group initially hired The InHaus Group to re-brand & re-design their bingo clubs and as a result of a great working partnership we were quickly brought in to work on their larger scale casinos with our first being their flagship 25,000sqft casino in Sunderland.

G a l a

Contact us.

The InHaus Group.

InHaus Solutions

InHaus Contracts

89 Walkergate, Beverley,

East Riding of Yorkshire

United Kingdom.

HU17 9BP


Tel: 01482 881559


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The InHaus Group.

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